WOW Classic Paladin Battleground Tactics Guides - Warsong Gulch

This is the first and most popular battleground out there. It is basic game of capture the flag where the first team to infiltrate the enemy base three times and take their banner back to their base wins. Warsong Gulch is divided into three different battle zones. Your base, which must be defended at all times. The front lines in the middle of the battleground where most of the fighting will take place. And the enemy base where you will hack and slash through the defense to reach their flag. Each of these zones will require you to take a different role.

The base defense is usually held by classes that can cause havoc to the enemy. The only disruption ability you have is Hammer of Justice which can only be used once every minute so this is not a great place for you. If you stay here your best option of helping is to heal the defenders so they can last longer. Since most disrupters are usually warlocks and priests that fall fast extra healing is very useful.

The frontline between the two bases is where the majority of the battle takes place. It's important for your team to try  and  control the frontlines because when  your team is trying to run the enemy flag back to their base they are incredibly vulnerable. By controlling the middle area and keeping the enemy on the defensive you can safely  run the flag back to your base. When fighting on the frontlines you should still try to heal your allies, but in this area you can also engage in fighting the enemy yourself. You’ll mostly be fighting one on one or one or two fights here so the best strategy is to team up  with  another player and help them with their  target.

The final team is the assault team that runs into the enemy's base and steals the flag. The defense here will either beat you down as hard as possible or immobilize you with  stuns or fears. If you are in this  group  healing is once again a must, but there is one other role you must complete first. The moment the flag taker has stolen the flag he will run to the exit while  the rest of you try  to protect his escape. Your Blessing of Freedom ability is a real lifesaver since most of the enemies will try to stop him with stuns and roots. It will let him sprint ahead and get a head start.
Arathi Basin.

In an Arathi Basin match your team tries to gather a stockpile of resources by controlling up to five resource nodes. To win you have to defend the nodes you control and try to take other nodes away from the enemy. The basic strategy of this battleground is to not get greedy and spread yourself to thin. You can win by keeping control of only three nodes, but it is usually safest to aim for four. After you have captured a node keep a few people behind.

Two or three is usually sufficient and it is  best if you have someone who can do lots of damage quickly. After leaving a defense force the rest of your group moves to other nodes until you have three captured. Now the remaining players split into two groups. One is a mobile defense force that can run to the captured nodes if they are attacked by the enemy. The other is a mobile assault force that tries to take away an enemy controlled node.

Starting off your team will want to capture the node closest to their base. If you are Alliance this would be the stables and if you are Horde it's the farm. Leave two or three people here, though a healer is usually not as necessary since these areas generally see less combat than the other nodes. Now your main group will split into two and try to take either the lumber mill, blacksmith shop or gold mine. Only take two of them though and leave a defensive group here. Now your remaining players are part of a mobile defensive squad that will run to one of your captured nodes when it comes under assault and try to assault a nearby node if the enemy is disorganized.

When playing in AB your best bet is to try and stay with either the second defensive groups or the mobile  defensive  groups. When in a second defensive group you need to try to heal your allies whenever the enemy shows up. Also try to dispel any magical debuffs and crowd control like Polymorph or DOTS. If the enemy does manage to make it to the node and tries to claim it disrupt them as soon as possible. Hammer of Justice and Holy Shock are great for this type of  situation. If you are in the mobile defensive force always follow close to the leader so you can jump down and heal right away. There is very little you can do here offensively so try to be a support character. If you are  protection specced though it will sometimes help if you charge into the enemies first.  They will usually waste a few seconds trying to take you down which will give your allies time to knock them back.

You can get enough Classic WOW RP-PvP Gold for a small amount of money.

WOW Classic Paladin's most detailed Group PVP Guides
WOW Classic Paladin Battleground Tactics Guides — Alterac Valley


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