WOW Classic Paladin 1V1 PVP Guides - 2

In the previous article we introduced the detailed guide to Paladin VS Druid and Hunter in PVP. Today U4gm will continue to share the PVP guide for Paladin VS Mage and Shaman.

Mages have high damage but  blow  through their mana fast and once their dry they are defenseless. This is a pretty typical duration battle where you wait for your opponents mana to run out before taking  them down.

If their body becomes encased in bluish light though they are using Invocation and will regenerate a lot of their mana. Hit them or Judge them to interrupt the channeling as quickly as you can. Keep Blessing of Wisdom on yourself and judge  the enemy for wisdom so you can keep up your mana with regular melee strikes.

Healing is the most important part  of  winning against a mage. They can deal huge damage and you will most likely not have enough resist gear to make a difference. While healing though you should use Flash  of Light not Holy Light because of the mages Counterspell ability. By using this they can take away all of your heals for ten seconds which drastically drops your chances of winning.

Because Holy Light has a longer cast time the mage will have plenty of time to use Counterspell. Flash of light has such a low casting time though that you can usually get them off more safely. Put some bits of time between your heals though and  don't just spam them. Doing them one  after  another lets the mage get a chance to hit you with a counter. In general its best to try and heal yourself when you see that your opponents hands are glowing blue or red or when they are moving. When  fighting  a mage smart players will use their frost spells to slow you down and attack from a distance.

They will primarily do this with Chill effects, but also use Frost Nova to root you in place. In this case you shouldn't even try to chase them because they will always outrun you. If they are frost specced is would be a  good idea to keep Blessing of Freedom on yourself since mages have a talent that increases their chance of landing a critical strike against frozen players. Another benefit of BoF is that it will render a mages Ice Lance ability nearly useless and they won't be able to spam it. Most other mages will be Arcane/Fire specced. They have huge burst damage but less survivability options and won't be able to run as much. Focus on staying alive by watching your healing carefully.You  will also have to bubble more against these mages since their DPS is so high.

Shamans require a little bit of juggling to beat. You will need to once again make your foe burn through his mana as fast as possible before taking him down. The first way of doing this is to kill as many of his totems as possible and make him re-summon them.

Each totem can be taken out with about one melee hit but you can't use AOEs like Consecrate because they are immune. While this may force him to use his mana he has a similar tactic. Shamans will typically use their Purge ability at the beginning of a fight to take off some of your seals and blessings so during the fight you are going to have to do without many of your good ones. Halfway through the fight you should start to reapply you seals as quickly as possible but you'll have to do without blessings till the end.

Purge is a very mana intensive spell though so every time they cast it you are a little closer to beating them. The final thing you have to worry about while fighting a shaman is their healing. If you see greenish light coming from their hands it means they are trying to heal themselves so use Hammer of Justice to interrupt them.

Try to save this ability for these situations and not use it whenever the cooldown is up. As for healing yourself you need to be very careful because shaman can use Earth Shock to interrupt your spell and put it on cooldown. When you heal you will either need to use your Bubble which is not a good idea in my opinion. Or keep track of when you have been hit with a shock spell so you can heal in the six second cooldown period. Once they have run out of mana, buff yourself with blessings and seals and take them down with melee. The fighting style of the shaman will depend very much on what type of build they have. If they are elemental they will rely completely on casting nukes and damage dealing totems.

They will also use their mana up faster than any other build so weather their attacks with careful healing and take them down when they are out of mana. Make sure to kill and water and air totems they put down since these increase their mana regeneration and spell damage. You can tell if they are Enhancement specced right away because they will be using duel wield or a two handed weapon. The won’t be as dependant on mana as the other builds so it isn’t wise to wait for them to run out. Instead start fighting them right away and hinder them as much as possible.

Enhancement shamans rely very heavily on buffing themselves with totems so your best bet for taking them down is to destroy as many totems as possible. A Restoration shaman is such a good healer that it is almost impossible to take them down. Fortunately they don’t have nearly enough DPS to take you down. The only way to win is to be very patience and fight them right away instead of waiting to take out their mana.

Paladin has a free blessing when playing against Mage, but still needs to prepare some potions that can release control skills, such as Living Action Potion. If you don't have enough money to buy potions, U4gm will provide you with a lot of cheap Classic WOW Europe Gold, a safe and convenient transaction to meet your needs in WOW Classic.

WOW Classic Paladin 1V1 PVP Guides - 1
WOW Classic Paladin 1V1 PVP Guides - 2
WOW Classic Paladin 1V1 PVP Guides - 3
WOW Classic Paladin 1V1 PVP Guides - 4
WOW Classic Paladin 1V1 PVP Guides - 5


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