The best equipment guide for the WOW Classic PVE Shamans upgrade process - 4

In the previous article, U4gm introduced Shaman's better equipment before level 40. If you got them, that's the best thing. If you don't have it, don't worry, upgrade is just a transitional stage. Today we will introduce Shaman. Better equipment in the 40-50 class.

Level 40-45
Kang the Decapitator
Hands axe
136 - 205 damage speed 3.60
(DPS 47.4)
Durability 120 / 120
Requires Level 44
Possible hit: Causes the target's wound to bleed continuously, inflicting 560 damage in 30 seconds.
Solid two-handed axe for enhancement shaman
How to get it: The Glassweb Spider in Searing Gorge drops, with a drop probability of 0.03%.

Glassweb Spider location

The Glassweb Spider is rated between 43-45. It is the lowest-ranking monster among the monsters that drop the Kang the Decapitator. The number of the Searing Gorge is relatively large, and the distribution range is relatively large, which is relatively easy to kill.

The Chief's Enforcer
118 - 178 Damage Speed ​​3.40
(DPS 43.5)
Durability 100 / 100
Requires level 45
Possible when hitting: Stun the target for 3 seconds.
Good weapon for all shamans with the stun effect.
How to get it: The Chief Ukorz Sandscalp in Zul'Farrak drops, with a drop probability of 20%.

Chief Ukorz Sandscalp Location

This weapon has a higher probability of falling and is easier to obtain. In addition, Zul'Farrak is suitable for players of level 43-47, which is very suitable for Level 40-45. Zul'Farrak is not very far from Horde. You only need to follow the following route.

Orgrimmar's route to Zul'Farrak:
Orgrimmar - The Barrens - Thousand Needles - The Shimmering Flats - Gadgetzan

Zul'Farrak location

Elven Chain Boots
Foot Mail Armor
206 points of armor
+18 Agility
+3 Stamina
+7 Spirit
Durability 60 / 60
Requires level 45
Good boots for enhancement shamans.
How to get it: Slave Worker, Blazing Elemental and Searing Lava Spider in Searing Gorge drop, with a drop probability of 0.05%.

Slave Worker, Blazing Elemental and Searing Lava Spider locations

There are other monsters that will drop Elven Chain Boots, but with the same drop probability, the killing is far more difficult than the monsters in the Searing Gorge, so if you want Elven Chain Boots, Searing Gorge is better. s Choice.

High Bergg Helm
Head Mail Armor
231 Armor
+15 Spirit
+10 Stamina
+15 Intellect
Durability 70 / 70
Requires level 42
Good elemental and restoration shaman helm.
How to get it: Scalding Whelp in Badlands and Roc in Tanaris, Washewer Shadow Shadow Mage dropped, with a drop probability of 0.05%.

Scalding Whelp location

Roc and Washewer Shadow Mage location

The monster level in these two maps is not very high, it is easier to kill, although the probability of falling is not high, but the number of monsters is large, which can compensate for the disadvantage of low drop rate to some extent.

Level 45-50
Stonerender Gauntlet
Gloves Mail Armor
209 point armor
+20 Spirit
+10 Stamina
+10 Intellect
+10 Nature Resistance
Durability 50 / 50
Requires level 46
Good hand piece for elemental and restoration shamans.
How to get it: The Slave Worker in the Searing Gorge drops, with a drop probability of 0.03%.

For the location of Slave Worker, please see the map in Elven Chain Boots above.

There are a lot of monsters that have the chance to drop the Stonerender Gauntlet, but only the Slave Worker in the Searing Gorge is best suited for players of the 45-50 level. In the case of the same drop probability, the monster with a lower level is preferred.

Glowing Brightwood Staff
127 - 191 Damage Speed ​​3.10
(DPS 51.3)
+29 Intellect
+15 Stamina
+9 Spirit
+15 Nature Resistance
Durability 120 / 120
Requires level 49
Good elemental and restoration shaman staff.
How to get it: Anvilrage Overseer and Anvilrage Warden in Searing Gorge drop, with a drop probability of 0.03%.

Anvilrage Overseer and Anvilrage Warden location

At the 45-50 level, only the Anvilrage Overseer and Anvilrage Warden monsters in the Searing Gorge are easier to kill. Other monsters are higher in level and are not recommended!

Hammer of the Northern Wind
Main hand hammer
58 - 108 Damage Speed ​​2.10
(DPS 39.5)
Durability 105 / 105
Requires level 49
Possible hit: A Frostbolt is fired at the target, dealing 20 to 31 Frost damage and reducing its movement speed by 50% for 5 sec.
Good hammer for enhancement shamans in their main hand.
How to get it: Anvilrage Overseer and Anvilrage Warden in Searing Gorge drop, with a drop probability of 0.03%.

For the same reason as above, only the two monsters can be killed in the current level.

As can be seen from the above data, at the stage of 40-50, most of Shaman's better weapons are dropped by wild monsters, and the probability of falling is very low. If you don't want to waste time on this, the fastest. The way to get it is to go to the auction house to buy.

Before going to the auction house, please go to U4gm and buy the cheap WOW Classic RP GOLD so that you can buy your favorite items at the auction house.

For more information about Shaman, read the WOW Classic Career Guide or WOW Classic Tips.


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