The best equipment guide for the WOW Classic PVE Shamans upgrade process - 1

Shamans gets a lot of different weapons and armor during the upgrade of WOW Classic. These kinds of items make many people unable to make choices. But don't worry, U4gm lists some good things that can help Shamans. Of course, they are just a guide and not all.

Level 1-15
The equipment you are going to get at this level are grays and whites. You go through these level so quickly that any money spent buying equipment at this level is a total waste. Even vendor armor is not worth it. Keep doing quests and use the equipment that drops from mobs.

Level 15-20
Blackened Defias Armor
Chest leather blue quality
92 point armor
+11 Stamina
+3 agile
+4 power
Durability 90 / 90
Requires level 19
How to get it: Edwin VanCleef in The Deadmines drops, with a drop probability of 20%.

Edwin VanCleef location:

In addition to Blackened Defias Armor, there are Blackened Defias Leggings, Blackened Defias Gloves, Blackened Defias Boots and Blackened Defias Belt.
This is a series of suits. Wearing more than 2 will trigger some special effects, such as:
(2) Set: +10 armor.
(3) Set: +5 Arcane Resistance.
(4) Set: Increases the dagger ability by 1 point.
(5) Set: +10 attack power.

The probability of falling the entire device is relatively high and very easy to obtain, suitable for enhancement shaman. But 'The Deadmines' is far away from horde, It can be hard for horde shamans to get.

How do Horde players go to 'The Deadmines'?
Horde players first need to take an airship from Orgrimmar to Stranglethorn Vale, then from Stranglethorn Vale to Westfall to find the entrance to 'The Deadmines'.

Entrance details for 'The Deadmines'
The Deadmines are large in size, with internal passages to the northwest of Westfall and Stranglethorn Vale. It is the lowest level of dungeon for alliance, the entrance to Deadmines is in Moonbrook, southwest of Westfall, and the exit is in the west of 'The Dagger Hills'. Near the coast.

The Deadmines location

Once you arrive at Moonbrook, find the location shown on the map below.

On the second floor of the house there is a secret passage into 'The Deadmines', which walks along the passage and reaches the underground mine. Please note that this is not the end! Once you arrive here, you will need to follow the route shown below and finally reach the entrance to 'The Deadmines'.

Skeletal Club
Main hand hammer blue quality
28 - 53 Damage Speed ​​2.60
(DPS 15.6)
Durability 75 / 75
Requires level 19
Possible hit: A Shadow Bolt is fired at the target, dealing 30 Shadow damage.
How to get it: Kill the monster and drop it, the average drop probability is 0.05%.
A good one handed mace for low levels. It's easier to get in 'The Barrens' because it's a low-level map, and the monsters here are relatively easy to deal with.

Because the probability of getting very low is very low, I suggest you don't waste time going to the auction house to buy it. If your gold coins are not enough, click on Horde WOW Classic Gold to meet your needs!

Stinging Viper
One hand hammer blue quality
30 - 57 Damage Speed ​​2.80
(DPS 15.25)
Durability 75 / 75
Requires level 19
Possible hit: Causes the target to be dealt every 3 sec, dealing 7 Nature damage for 15 sec.
How to get it: Lord Pythas in the Wailing Caverns drops, with a 40% drop probability.

Lord Pythas location

Wailing Caverns location

Read the WOW Classic Career Guide for more details.


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