What improvements do players want to see in NBA 2K23 regarding the defensive end of the floor?
Given that NBA 2K has been a franchise for many years, allowing 2K to accumulate a very large amount of experience in the game, especially the level of simulation of the game graphics and the realism of the game is much improved than before. Still, players find that NBA 2K seems to focus more and more on the offense, and the defensive end features do not attract enough attention. All players understand that the improved defensive animations and some more important defensive badges will bring a new impetus to 2K23. Players want 2K23 to improve on the defensive end Improvements to the BLK model Remove Speed Boost New animations for players moving defensively around the court Improved defensive controls Making Rebounding a Skill Improvements to the BLK model BLK is the first and most pressing issue for NBA 2K23. This skill is the most exciting part of the defense, and teams have yet to capture that thrill. In the NBA, players typically earn BLK through great team & man-to-man defense...